Holi is one of the most vibrant festivals in India, celebrated with joy, laughter, and enthusiasm. It is a colorful festival, where gulal or color powders are smeared on the face and thrown into the air. With the burst of colors, the splash of water, and the scrumptious sweets, it's no wonder that Holi is one of India’s most eagerly awaited festivals!
However, gone are the golden days when the colors used were made purely with dry gulal and buckets of water. Today it comes with splashes of synthetic pigments,which can cause havoc on your skin and hair. It not only cancause discomfort to your skin, hair and eyes but also can be hazardous to health.
You have to take care of your skin and hair both before and after Holi. Here are a few Holi tips for skin and hair.
Pre-Holi Skin And Hair Care Tips
For Skin:
- Apply oil on your body a day before Holi. This keeps your skin hydrated and acts as a protective layer and prevents your skin from absorbing the colors and the chemicals in it.
- Coconut oil and almond oil have proven to be the most effective. Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E, and coconut oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Wear long-sleeved tops and full-length trousers to avoid your skin from getting directly exposed to colors. Cotton clothes are better than synthetic ones.
- Apply ice on the exposed parts of your skin and face to close the pores of your skin. Closing pores helps in preventing the colors from seeping into the skin.
- If you are going to celebrate Holi outdoors, O3+ sunscreen gel cream is a must.
- Apply Vaseline on lips, ears, and nails to block the chemicals.
For Hair:
- Apply coconut oil or mustard oil on your hair and scalp. It prevents the colors from sticking to the hair and aids in easy removal of colors after Holi.
- It is better not to leave your hair open when you step out to celebrate Holi. Tie your hair into a braided ponytail as this exposes fewer parts of your hair to the colors.
- Wear bandanas to protect your hair from chemicals.
- If you have a sensitive scalp, you can apply lemon juice on your scalp as citric acid helps in protecting your scalp from getting infected.
- Avoid using hair accessories as they may pull your hair from the scalp.
Post Skin And Hair Care Tips For Holi
For Skin:
- Avoid rubbing your skin harshly. Wash it gently with a mild soap. The best option is to cleanse your skin with O3+ face cleanser, using cold milk and coconut oil or olive oil. Apply the cleanser with soft cotton balls.
- Wash your skin with cold water. Warm / hot water makes the colors stick to the skin, making it difficult to get rid of them.
- Use O3+ face packs using yogurt and honey, cucumber and lemon juice, papaya and honey, etc. That will help in moisturizing your skin and getting rid of the dryness caused by the chemicals.
- If you have itching on any part of your skin rub it gently with aloe vera gel.
- Rub ice on the skin and leave it to dry. This will make your skin smoother.
- You can use O3+ face scrubs to remove the dead cells, the remnants of chemicals, and the dirt from the pores of your skin. A homemade scrub can be made from besan flour and milk, or coffee powder and honey.
- Avoid applying makeup the day after Holi, and avoid going for salon treatments like threading for a couple of days.
For Hair:
- Use a mild shampoo and rinse your hair gently in cold water. Avoid hot water.
- Apply a conditioner to the full length of your hair after washing them.
- Avoid blow-drying your hair and let it dry naturally.
- Brush your hair gently to help in the removal of colors.
- Apply O3+ hair mask with a mixture of Rosemary, Argan oil & Organic leaves for better results.